Improving the content editor experience with Paragraphs

Note: this is an archived site. The current site can be found at
Doheny Beach A

Editors often need significant flexibility with their content, but how do you give them that without letting them break the website? Especially when your users are...less than technically savvy. Something as seemingly simple as adding an image with a credit and caption can be very difficult to pull off. But what if you need an arbitrary number of these images, in arbitrary locations throughout your content? And pull-quotes. And call-out boxes. And embedded views. And, and, and...

The promise of one magical WYSIWYG editor to rule the body field is ever on the horizon, but I have found that the best editor experience available today is achieved with the Paragraphs module.

In this session I will discuss:

  • What Paragraphs does and why you should use it
  • How to install Paragraphs and start creating your own paragraphs items
  • How to improve Paragraphs with other modules, like Display Suite
  • A case study of how we used Paragraphs to build the website

I'll start with the basics and then get into progressively more advanced tricks and techniques as time and interest allows. This will be a good intro for site builders, user experience designers, and developers who care about their content editors (you all care, right?).

Design and User Experience
One hour